Monday, June 22, 2009

over active brain.

I am going to assume that I am not the only female on Earth who thinks too much. I have found that the effects of this condition are quite negative. I have so many things in my life to be so thankful for. I am so blessed, and yet I let the unknown, the unresolved, the inevtiable life stuff rob me. I am missing out on the beauty of being in my early twenties, in love with the man I was made for, pursuing the career of my choice, healthy, strong, with a bright future and so many things to look forward to.

Yet, I worry, I fear, I dwell, I analyze and I miss out. I have used this blog for many things. But for me, it is healing and therapeutic to write. For whatever reason, I don't write very much anymore, but when I do I find comfort and release. As often as I can, I am going to come to the blog and write about my journey to healthier mental habits. And I am sure I will share other things as well. If you read this, I hope that you can find something to relate to or maybe think of something great you can share with me.

My 24th birthday is this week.. it is a crazy and busy week.

Today, I am going to do what I can to get my school work done. Then I am going to go to Matt's softball game and be with our friends. When I get home.. I am going to spend quality time with him and do my best not to be distracted by what is undone. There will always be things to do, a list of chores or errands or assignments or papers to grade.. So I want to cherish the time I have to talk with Matt and connect with him. I want to grow next to him and be the woman he needs. Right now, I feel like I am lacking because I give into my stress so often and forget to enjoy the present.

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